Sunday, 4 December 2011

Don't Let The Hope Die

What is life without salt and pepper? Of testing times and sorrows? I guess tasteless would be the word. In fact, they not only add taste to our lives, but also introduce us to new and unexplored sides of ourselves.

Looking at the bigger picture, salt and pepper situations give us an opportunity to step out of our comfort zones so that we grow, learn, fight and survive.

Life is like any other challenge. Once in, you only focus on winning and surviving, followed by happy moments when you propose a toast to victory and then get ready for another challenge.

The happy moments just mark the celebration of your survival and victory, hence are short lived. So, don't complain about lack of them in your life, for, it's the challenge that you need to focus on and not the celebration.

However tough the going may become, you need to keep going. Don't ever give up. Have faith in God, yourself and your abilities.